SRIP Tovarne Prihodnosti

EU nagrada za Ženske Inovatorke 2020: 21 podjetnic je v finalu

21 najbolj nadarjenih in navdihujočih podjetnic v Evropi in širše je v ožjem izboru za nagrado EU za ženske inovatorke 2020. Nagrada slavi izjemne dosežke podjetnic, ki vodijo inovativna podjetja, financira pa jo program EU Obzorje 2020 za raziskave in inovacije. Letošnje finalistke so pionirke prebojnih inovacij v številnih panogah, in pomagajo pri soočanju z globalnimi izzivi. Njihove inovacije segajo od optimizacije zdravljenja raka do pridobivanja čiste električne energije iz oceanskih in morskih valov.

Trinajst kandidatk se poteguje za tri nagrade v višini 100.000 EUR v glavni kategoriji, ostalih osem pa se poteguje za naziv Rising Innovator, ki priznava odlične podjetnice, mlajše od 35 let, in dobijo nagrado v višini 50.000 EUR. Trinajst finalistk v glavni kategoriji je:

  • Anita Finnegan (Ireland), co-founder and CEO of Nova Leah, a company offering cybersecurity risk management solutions for medical device manufacturers.
  • Anita Schjøll Brede (Norway/Denmark), co-founder of, an AI-based search engine for reading scientific research.
  • Aranzazu Martínez (Spain), co-founder and Managing Director of It Will Be. Her company helps tackle poverty through technological innovation, providing support to vulnerable women and children.
  • Belinda Cowling (France), co-founder and CSO of Dynacure, a clinical-stage drug development company developing therapy for rare and orphan muscle diseases.
  • Caroline Walerud (Sweden), co-founder and Executive Chairman of Volumental. Her company helps people find and create perfect fitting footwear through 3D scanning and AI.
  • Cécile Real (France), co-founder and CTO of Endodiag. Her company develops early diagnosis solutions for endometriosis, a disease affecting 180 million women worldwide.
  • Galit Zuckerman Stark (Israel), founder and CEO of Medasense, a company developing sensor-based personalised pain management technology.
  • Inna Braverman (Israel), founder and CEO of Eco Wave Power. Her company develops an innovative technology to generate clean electricity from ocean and sea waves.
  • Judit Cubedo (Spain), co-founder and CEO of GlyCardial Diagnostics, a company improving the early diagnosis of cardiac ischemic events.
  • Madiha Derouazi (Switzerland), founder and CEO of Amal Therapeutics, a company developing therapeutic cancer vaccines.
  • Magdalena Król (Poland), co-founder of Cellis, a company developing cell-based immunotherapy for solid tumours.
  • Maria Fátima Lucas (Portugal/Spain), co-founder and CEO of Zymvol Biomodeling, a company developing computer-designed industrial enzymes by applying molecular modelling.
  • Neus Sabaté (Spain), co-founder and Scientific Adviser at Fuelium, a company developing paper-based eco-friendly batteries for portable diagnostic devices.

8 finalistk v kategoriji Rising Innovator je:

  • Ailbhe Keane (Ireland), founder and creative director of Izzy Wheels. Her company creates fashionable wheel covers for wheelchairs.
  • Evelina Vågesjö (Sweden), co-founder and CEO of Ilya Pharma. Her company is developing next-generation biological drugs for treating wounds in skin and mucosa.
  • Iris Braun (Germany), co-founder of share, a consumer goods brand based on the 1+1 model: for every share product sold, a person in need receives an equivalent product.
  • Josefien Groot (Netherlands), co-founder and CEO of Qlayers. Her company is developing microstructures to boost the efficiency of wind turbines.
  • Rebecca Saive (Netherlands), co-founder and CTO of ETC Solar. Her company is developing a micro metal 3D printing tool to enable performance enhancement of solar cells.
  • Stefanie Flueckiger-Mangual (Switzerland), co-founder and CEO of TOLREMO Therapeutics. The company is developing next-generation resistance-preventing combination therapies for cancer.
  • Valentina Menozzi & Alice Michelangeli (Italy), co-founders and respectively CTO and CSO of Prometheus. These two women innovators submitted one joint application for the Prize. Their company is developing a biotech automated wound care system based on the use of patient’s blood.

Dobitnice nagrad EU za Ženske Inovatorke 2020 bodo razglašene na Evropskih dnevih raziskav in inovacij, ki bodo potekali 22. in 24. septembra 2020. Na istem dogodku bo Evropska Komisija podelila naziv Evropske prestolnice inovacij 2020, EIC Horizon nagrado za Ugodne visoke tehnologije za humanitarno pomoč in nagrada Horizon Impact 2020.