Institute (JSI) as a multidisciplinary public research institute linked to higher education organizations as part of the work program. The JSI performs research programs as a public service, which represent a rounded area of research work, which is expected to be current in the world, and at the same time it is so important for Slovenia to have a national interest in researching in this field for the long term. The IJS performs basic and applied research and takes care of the development and operation of the infrastructure within the framework of the Research and Innovation Strategy of Slovenia. The IJS is involved in international scientific research activities and connects with related organizations worldwide for this purpose.
In relation to its activities, the JSI strives and works for the universal accessibility and use of knowledge in society and the economy, for transferring research achievements into practice, for informing the public, for popularizing science and for spreading scientific and technical culture. The JSI, in the framework of its activities, places special emphasis on the promotion of technological development and the promotion of technologically demanding entrepreneurship, which needs a link with the research environment.
The Jožef Stefan Institute has the largest volume of stakeholder participation in the field of science, education and enterprises within international projects. Only in 2015, the IJS participated in 75 projects of the 7th Framework Program and 34 of the H2020 projects. The vast majority of these projects far exceeds the value of EUR 1 million, and generally all three stakeholder groups from the knowledge triangle participate in them.
The IJS played a very important role in domestic projects, which linked stakeholders in the knowledge triangle. If we confine ourselves to the last financial perspective, the IJS intensively participated in centers of excellence (the institute was the initiator and the applicant / partner in four CO CIPKeBiP, CoNot, Namaste and Nanocenter with a total value of over EUR 35 million) and played an important role under the Competent centers (participated in STV centers, OPCOMM, CLASS BRIN – the value of individual KC was approximately 10 Mio EUR).
Staff at the IJS are also strongly involved in the educational process. As college associates. colleagues working with universities are responsible for continuous cooperation in the knowledge triangle. In 2015, 131 staff members of the IJS cooperated with universities or faculties as higher education teachers and 38 associate colleges. It is also important to link with pedagogical work through scholarships. In the past year (2015), JSI cooperated with 52 scholarship holders from various Slovenian universities and faculties; in the last 5 years, with 185 scholarship holders.
The IJS has extensive experience in project management, involving various stakeholders. He was, or is still, the coordinator of many projects under the EU Framework Programs and the H2020, which we have mentioned above. In addition, he has been intensively involved in the management of the aforementioned centers of excellence and competence centers and, last but not least, with the economy (only in 2015, the Institute concluded contracts for participation in projects with 87 different subscribers, the majority from the economy).
In the framework of the IJS also operates the Center for Technology Transfer and Innovation (CTT) , which has many experience and references in the field of international marketing, internationalization, innovation and technology transfer both in industry and in the R & D sphere.