In scope of its operation, SRIP FoF is participating in different regional and international projects.
GREENOMED was a modular project within Green Growth community that aimed at contributing to green manufacturing in MED regions through design and implementation of a European network of pilot plants on green manufacturing.
PANORAMED is a governance platform that supports the process of strengthening and developing multilateral cooperation frameworks in the Mediterranean region for joint responses to common challenges and opportunities.
SMART-SPACE will contribute to the improvement of the framework conditions for innovation in Alpine Space. It will promote economic, technological, social and sustainable growth. It addresses clusters and SMEs from traditional industrial branches and all innovation actors to strengthen the application of digital technologies and eco-innovation procedures to processes and outputs.
Qu4lity will demonstrate, in a realistic, measurable and replicable way an open, certifiable and highly standardised, SME-friendly and transformative shared data-driven ZDM product and service model for Factory 4.0 through 14 pilot lines.
Qu4lity will also demonstrate how European industry can build unique and highly tailored ZDM strategies and competitive advantages through an orchestrated open platform ecosystem, ZDM atomized components and digital enablers across all phases of product and process lifecycle. The main goal is to build an autonomous quality model to meet the Industry 4.0 ZDM challenges.

High Impact Action
The High-Impact Action (HIA) consists in the piloting of a “transformative mechanism”. This mechanism will take the form of a physical and virtual platform for piloting and demonstrating modular and reconfigurable cells across various industries. When complete this platform will bring together equipment, resources, expertise, people from a broad range of organisations (research and technology organisations, centres of excellence, SMEs, corporates, etc.) specialising in industry 4.0 development and deployment.
In scope of the Interreg Alpine space programme, SRIP FoF is working on the project “Digital technologies as an incentive for the transition of small and medium-sized enterprises in the Alps to a circular economy” – CIRCULAR 4.0.
The goal of the project is to accelerate the transformation of companies in the Alpine region from linear business processes to circular forms of business with the help of Industry 4.0 digital technologies. 15 partners from Italy, Austria, Germany, France and Slovenia are participating in the project.
Express your interest to participate
Go-DIP addresses raising awareness of digital data and software IP value in SME’s and positively impact digital IP management of up to 100 manufacturing SMEs in three Alpine innovation systems in Slovenia, Italy and Switzerland. SMEs will be able to better incorporate the software and data IP management systems into their business strategies and boost digital innovation. Valuating and monetizing data and software IP will be addressed through the use of practical cases of 60 SMEs directly involved. Guidelines, templates and cases will be developed in the Design option paper (DOP).
The ZOOOM project raises awareness of the importance of creating and managing intellectual property in collaborative innovation ecosystems. Open software, hardware and data are essential to a sustainable, trusted and sovereign industrial ecosystem.
We lead the activities of the EIT Manufacturing Hub for Slovenia. We strive for collaboration and knowledge exchange among industry professionals, academic institutions, and research centres. By bringing together a diverse range of stakeholders, we are trying to create a vibrant ecosystem where ideas flourish and transformative solutions emerge.