Control technologies
Control Technology (automation, informatics, cybernetics) is distinctly infrastructural technology, which is embedded in virtually all modern devices, machines, processes or systems to ensure their functionality, reliability, security and performance. Because of its key role in the final system/product is a natural integrator of all technologies included in the design and implementation of the new system/product.
Horizontal Network Control Technology (HN CT) is therefore a typical key enabling technology, which finds its use in the context of vertical value chains in many different fields of application, among which stands out the use of Control Technology in the development of building blocks, tools and systems for factories of the future. Therefore, the development and application of Control Technology as one of the most important branches of ICT, is included in all global development trends and innovations in the world.
The major contribution of HN CT’s development activities is expected in terms of:
- new building blocks, which will contribute to a stronger integration of physical and digital world in the Factories of the Future,
- new procedures that provide automatic, multifunctional and in depth analysis of product quality (to ensure 100% final product quality),
- new procedures for on-line state estimation of machines or devices (PHM- Prognostics & Health Management),
- new powerful tools for production data mining by using mathematical models.
The results of development activities will be used mainly to support vertical value chain (VVC) Intelligent control systems for Factories of the Future and also within other vertical value chains within SRIP Factories of the Future, especially in the following VVCs: Robotic systems and components, Intelligent mechatronic tools, Intelligent laser systems, Advanced sensors and Smart plasma systems.
It is also shown interest in the substantive participation of HN CT in other SRIPs, particular: SRIP Networks for transition to a circular economy, SRIP Smart Cities and Communities and SRIP Smart buildings and home including the wood chain.
Jamova ulica 39
SI-1000 Ljubljana
Tel: (+386) 1 477-3738