Slovenian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GZS) is the largest, strongest and most influential connection of the economy in Slovenia. Under the umbrella of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 26 economic sectors are represented, representing all sectors of the economy in Slovenia. The Chamber of Commerce and Industry has 13 regional chambers, of which 7 are in the program area. As many as 97% of the companies that are members of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry are small and medium-sized enterprises. The GZS has 115 employees, offering expertise in various fields. As the Chamber of Commerce, we are a regional and national partner to the government in the development of policies, proposals and legal regulations that involve the implementation of a circular economy. The biggest advantage of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry is direct contact with companies at all levels (governance, development, technical and operational levels, etc.). The strategic direction of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry is the cooperation and integration of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in all processes for establishing an optimal economic and social policy, including efforts to improve the economic, social and environmental development of Slovenia.
GZS is:
- representative representative of the Slovenian economy,
- social partner,
- a lobby center for shaping the business of a more friendly economic system and economic policy,
- networking, exchange of opinions and good practices.
GZS has:
- a strong professional network at home and abroad,
- top experts with in-depth knowledge and experience,
- selection of information and advice only for members,
- many databases.
The Chamber of Commerce and Industry provides:
- representing the interests of members at national, regional and branch level,
- influencing the Slovenian business environment,
- a quick response to initiatives that exacerbate the business environment and a coordinated campaign to prevent or mitigate the consequences of such initiatives,
- quality business information.
GZS is a member of the Association of European Chambers of Commerce (Eurochambres) based in Brussels and a member of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) based in Paris. Through the SKEP analytical group, he is also a member of the European organization A.I.E.C.E. (Association d’Institutes Economiques de Conjoncture Economique) – associations of independent European institutions that evaluate and forecast the economy. Individual chambers of industry and associations are members of a number of international trade associations and other institutions.
Projects managed by (GZS) with at least two different stakeholders from the knowledge triangle, with 1 (one) million EUR value:
- MOVECO Project (Interreg Danube Program)
- SKILLCO project (ERASMUS + program)
- SI-K Exportcoop project (cross-border program SI-AT)
Projects where (GZS) collaborated with the triangle of knowledge (science, education, enterprises) and the total value of the project was more than € 1 million:
- I-CON Project Improving Competences and Skills through the Food Innovation (Interreg Central Europe Program)
- Uptake of the Product Environmental Footprint across the MED agrofood regional productive systems to enhance innovation and market value (PEFMED)
- ADRIATinn project (IPA Adria program)
- The SHARTEC project (Cross-border SI-IT program)
Project Increasing energy performance by transferring innovation to the agro-food SMEs of the Mediterran.