SRIP Tovarne Prihodnosti

Local energy community as small hydrogen valley – sustainable and green energy

Local energy community (LEC) with integrated hydrogen systems (H2LEC), connected to the grid, is an ecosystem with joint values and objectives and a subsystem in energy supply system; in it, hydrogen plays the vital role of balancing local production and consumption – a small hydrogen valley.

LEC represents a virtual socio-economic region-oriented system based on community values and thus engaging initiative, innovation and investment of local actors, in particular new technology start-ups and younger generations.

Stakeholder Session Agenda:

  • Demonstration Example of H2LEC in the making in Wunsiedel, Germany
  • H2LEC as subsystem in vertically structured energy system
  • Green Hydrogen prosumer – the necessary building block to optimize the system
  • Decentralized onsite hydrogen production planning and testing


–              Mr.Gerhard Meindl, SWW StaadtWerk Wunsiedel, Germany

–              Mr.Sašo Brus, CEO, RENN Solutions d.o.o., Slovenia

–              Mr.Zoran Marinšek, PhD, CEO; Competence center for Advanced Control Technologies, Slovenia

–              Mrs. Martina Wettin, Partner, Nilsson Energy, Sweden


–              Mr.Bart Biebuyck, CEO, Clean Hydrogen Partnership

Registration opened until 7.4.2023.