SRIP Tovarne Prihodnosti

SRIP Factories of the Future

Center of Research Innovation Partnership at the Jožef Stefan Institute is coordinator of Strategic Research-Innovation Partnership SRIP Factories of the Future

Competence Centre KC STV

Competence Centre for Advanced Control Technologies (CC ACT) is a legal entity which serves as the project organization of the Technology Network Process Control Technology (TN PCT) consortium. Its main tasks are the preparation of proposals for consortium projects, coordination of projects and joint tasks, and cooperation in the introduction of the developed solutions in which the network is a stakeholder, to the market.

The CC ACT was founded by the engineering companies providing services which are members of the TN PCT consortium.  In its current form, the CC ACT started work on March 1, 2016.

In 2017, the CC ACT was actively involved in the preparation of action plans of Strategic Development and Innovation Partnerships (SRIP) in the field of SRIP “Factory of the Future” (SRIP FoF).  SRIP FoF was together with Jožef Stefan Institute, Chamber of Commerce of Slovenia and TECOS Center for Tools development formed as a system of 4 clusters, with the CC ACT being the holder and beneficiary of the cluster Control systems and technologies – CST cluster.

The technology network “Process Control Technology” which established the CC ACT has been connecting public research institutions and companies since 2002. The aim of the network is to foster the transfer of knowledge and technologies to industrial practice and stimulate the development of new products and services. Since 2007, it has been organized as a strategic consortium. Currently, 10 companies and 4 academic institutions are members: All the most important public research organizations are involved in the integration (more than 90% of basic and applied research in control technology in Slovenia is carried out within their research groups) and main Slovenian engineering companies, which together account for more than 70% of the services market in this field. Among the users of these services are all major and most respected Slovenian companies and many foreign companies.

The network activity is carried out within consortium research and development projects in which research institutions, engineering companies providing services, and companies end-users of control technology are involved.

In 2003, the Technology Network prepared a development strategy in the field of control technology (automation, informatization and cybernetics), which has since then been from time to time upgraded and implemented in some major research and development projects.

Since its founding, it has organized and managed three major Slovenian projects:

  • ACT IC– Advanced control technologies for increasing competitiveness, 2004-2006, 26 partners, EUR 5.4 million
  • CE ACT – Center of excellence for advanced control technologies, 2004-2007, 19 partners, EUR 1.35 million
  • CC ACT – Competence Center for Advanced Control Technologies, 2011-2013, 17 partners, EUR 9.36 million

and participated in the organization and implementation of several other important domestic and international projects. Among them, the largest research and development program in the field of factories of the future in Slovenia entitled:

  • “Building blocks, tools and systems for factories of the future – GOSTOP” is worth mentioning, which was financed by the European Union, the Republic of Slovenia, and the Slovenian industry. 19 partners participated in the program, and the total value of the program amounted to almost EUR 9.4 million.

Members of the Technology network initiated or have actively participated in several other important research, development and innovation projects and liaisons, inter alia:

  • Foundation of DCHT – Development Centre for Hydrogen technologies, 2009, 8 founders
  • Foundation of EEIG JETNET – Japanese-European technology hub for new energy and process control technologies, 2013, 6 members
  • Developing the concept and setting-up of demonstration project Japan-Slovenia in the field of smart grids and communities, 2014-2016 (project »NEDO«)

 In all the above listed projects a strong link among business partners and research and educational institutions was established.


Within the framework of the mentioned projects, many results were achieved, which are characterized by their innovation, diversity, and the influence they either already have or will have on the technological and economic development of Slovenia. This is primarily about new technological solutions, filed patent applications, implemented demonstration projects, marketing and promotional campaigns, publications in scientific journals and at conferences, organization of conferences, workshops, and panels, etc.

In the process of creating the Smart Specialization Strategy (SSS) of the Republic of Slovenia in 2013-2015, it participated in the creation of the SSS concept which relies on discovering existing competences and capacities and interesting cross-cutting areas in Slovene research, development, and business environment. It is also important to note that in the process of identification and mapping of competences and capacities, it formed strong initiatives in four domains: Factories of the Future, Smart Cities and Communities, Smart Buildings and Home, and the Circular Economy.

The Council of the TN PCT decided in 2016 to establish a legal entity which would serve as the project organization of the network for the preparation of proposals for consortium projects, coordination of projects and joint tasks, and cooperation in the introduction of the developed solutions in which the network is a stakeholder, to the market. The legal entity was named after the already successful project as Competence Centre for Advanced Control Technologies (CC ACT).

 In SRIP ToP (SRIP FoF), the CC ACT is the beneficiary responsible for carrying out the SRIP activities in two domains:  the horizontal network “Control Technology” as one of the key enabling technologies (KETs), and the vertical value chain​​” Intelligent Control Systems for Factories of the Future” with priority technology areas for development and introduction of new solutions to the market.