In the framework of the Strategic Partnership for Research and Innovation SRIP ToP, we will compile and integrate Slovenian research and innovation know-how, experience from the industrial and academic spheres, and highlight the priority breakthroughs of new products, technologies and services for the Factories of the Future. This will enable the possibility of efficient production in homeland with the introduction of production processes that are capable of automatic modification, adaptation and learning in order to achieve the required quality at an acceptable price, which enables competitiveness and further development within the global economy.
We will set up a supportive environment with professional services for industry and research organizations that will address future human resource challenges at the corporate and academic level and will ensure a rapid transfer of knowledge into industry and new content into the education system.
By internationalizing the results of joint development, adequately protecting industrial property, promoting high-tech entrepreneurship and helping member countries tackle environmental challenges, we will allow faster and easier transition of companies to the global market.
At the same time, the support environment will provide appropriate services to existing companies that are going on the path of transformation into the factories of the future, according to their level of development and the desired dynamics.