SRIP Tovarne Prihodnosti

SRIP Factories of the Future

Center of Research Innovation Partnership at the Jožef Stefan Institute is coordinator of Strategic Research-Innovation Partnership SRIP Factories of the Future



Photonics is an area with exceptional economic potential, e.g. in Europe, it has a three times higher added value than the average and has an impact on 20-30% of jobs. The size of the photon technology market is already approaching EUR 100 billion in Europe. It is therefore not surprising that photonics is recognized as one of Europe’s key empowerment technologies (KETs).

Because of their properties, lasers, as one of the finite photonics products, are a key tool in many industries. They enable the latest trends in small-scale production, digital processing and increasing product uniqueness, prototyping as well as completely new requirements in the field of manufacturing technologies.

In accordance with the aforementioned technological initiatives of the future, the partners on the basis of their own competences as key to the development of HoM (KET) Photonics have identified the following key priorities for Slovenia:

  • improving and upgrading smart and digitally adaptable production infrastructure,
  • development of new concepts of laser sources with emphasis on power, diode drawn, ultra-short bursts and / or power lasers, e.g. in the GHz modulation field,
  • the development of new concepts of two-wave collapsed laser sources with a digitally adjustable time and energy flow of both laser sources
  • the establishment of validation systems and pilot production facilities for the demonstration, testing and development of new photon technologies in partnership between enterprises and knowledge institutions,
  • development of new photonic methods for regenerative medicine, contactless and non-destructive diagnostics and digital-controlled therapy of disease states,
  • the development of special active and passive optical fibers of the next generation.

The results of the development activities will be used primarily within the framework of the vertical value chain Intelligent Laser Systems for Clinics and Factories of the Future  as well as within other vertical value chains within the SRIP ToP, especially in the following SRIP ToP  vertical value chains:

  • Robotic systems and components,
  • Intelligent laser systems for clinics and factories of the future,
  • Advanced sensors.

The interest in the co-operation of ToP HOM Photonics in other SRIPs has also been highlighted, in particular:

  • SRIP Health-medicine,
  • SRIP Smart cities and communities.
Coordinator dr. ROK PETKOVŠEK

Univerza v Ljubljani
Fakulteta za strojništvo
Laboratorij za fotoniko in laserske sisteme (FOLAS)
Aškerčeva cesta 6
1000 Ljubljana

Mail: rok.petkovsek(at)
   +386 1 4771 615

Members d.o.o.
IJS Odsek za kompleksne snovi - F7 d.o.o. d.o.o.
UL FS Laboratorij za fotoniko in laserske sisteme (FOLAS)
UL FS Laboratorij za lasersko tehniko (LASTEH)