SRIP Tovarne Prihodnosti

SRIP Factories of the Future

Center of Research Innovation Partnership at the Jožef Stefan Institute is coordinator of Strategic Research-Innovation Partnership SRIP Factories of the Future

Plasma technologies

Plasma technologies

Plasma technologies represent a key technological breakthrough in modern industry. With the close collaboration of material and plasma technology experts, companies will be able to develop new specialized lines that will be used in regular production and will enable the development of innovative products that are characterized by high added value. The key development will be focused on the development of pilot lines, which will be used for the processing of various materials and the automation of lines with the continuous processing of products and semi-products, thus increasing production and expanding the scope.

Plasma technologies enable the following processes:

  • Plasma cleaning of metal and non-metallic components prior to further processes such as bonding, spraying, application of specific coatings;
  • plasma nanostructure and functionalization of composite products;
  • plasma coating of protective coatings with optimized speed and application quality;
  • processing of highly hydrophobic materials with UV radiation sources and on-line activation to achieve optimum wettability or stickiness,
  • treatment of medical devices and implants in order to achieve the desired biological responses.

The results of the development activities will be used primarily within the framework of the vertical plasma value chain Smart Plasma Systems for ToP and also within other vertical value chains within the SRIP ToP, in particular in the following:

  • Robotic systems and components,
  • Advanced sensors,
  • Smart plasma systems.

The interest in the content cooperation in other SRIPs is also shown, in particular:

  • SRIP Networks for the transition to a circular economy,
  • SRIP Materials as Products,
  • SRIP Smart buildings and home with a wood chain,
  • SRIP Sustainable food production.


Jamova ulica 39
SI-1000 Ljubljana

Mail: ita.junkar(at)
    +386 1 477 38 85

Members d.o.o. d.o.o.
IJS Fizika nizkih in srednjih energij - F2
IJS Odsek za tanke plasti in površine - F3
IJS Odsek za tehnologijo površin in optoelektroniko - F4 d.o.o. podiplomska šola Jožefa Stefana, Plazemska diagnostika in sistemi, d.o.o.