”The objective of the Strategic Research and Innovation Partnership of the Factories of the Future is to create an open and friendly environment for the development of innovations that will be breakthrough and prospective and will go beyond the national framework.”
In accordance with the accepted business models and program documents SRIP ToP will work on the following focus areas:
Focus areas
We also look after and develop six horizontal networks that provide key technologies for future factories within SRIP TOP and for other strategic development and innovation partnerships in Slovenia:
Key technologies
We are connecting
Slovenian research and innovation competences and experience from industry and academics.
We are collecting
competent companies and research organizations that are capable of creating added value.
We are exposing
high priority breakthrough fields of new products, technologies and services for factories of the future.
We are building
a supporting environment for industry and research organizations.
Become a member of SRIP FoF
Get access to many services that support your business needs in scope of your market activity.
Latest news

Local energy community as small hydrogen valley – sustainable and green energy

TERRINET open call for students, reasearchers and entrepreneurs

CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS: online expert workshop on Circular Plastic Use

Presentation of SRIP FoF at a panel discussion with Latin American and Carribean countries representatives

Expression of interest for participation in the Circular 4.0 project