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4. European AI Forum

16/12/2021 : 10:00 - 17:00

Vabljeni na 4. European AI Forum, ki bo potekal 16. 12. 2021 s pričetkom ob 10. uri. Med glavnimi organizatorji je tudi iniciativa AI4SI.

Več o forumu si lahko preberete spodaj.

Dear friends of the European AI Forum,
We are happy to invite you to our next European AI Forum on December 16th – our flagship conference in collaboration with nine national AI associations in the EU.
This time our friends from AI4SI are in charge and the event will be broadcasted from Ljubljana.
With our conference, we aim to bring policymakers and AI-entrepreneurs together to discuss the most pressing issues that are driving the AI ecosystem around.
We are excited to have a fantastic line-up of high-level speakers from across the European Union waiting for you.
Next to several keynotes and fireside chats, we are looking forward to engaging in these panels:

Panel 1: Glass-Steagall – How to approach responsible biometric recognition
Panel 2: European pain points of AI progress
Panel 3: AI vs AI – Is cybersecurity the new European AI frontier

You can register for the European AI Forum via the link>> here.


10:00 - 17:00
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