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5. European AI Forum

30/06/2022 : 10:00 - 17:00

Vabljeni na 5. European AI Forum, ki bo potekal 30. 06. 2022 s pričetkom ob 10. uri. Med glavnimi organizatorji je tudi iniciativa AI4SI.
Več o forumu si lahko preberete spodaj in na spletni strani.

AI for Slovenia and The ICT association of Slovenia (ZIT) are inviting you to the 5th edition of the European AI Forum organized by Hub France IA this year as part of the French presidency of the European Union.

On the program, in addition to the speeches and live keynotes, we look forward to bringing you the following panels:

  • Round table on AI in finance.
  • Panel 1: AI and defense – How to approach the new security situation in Europe?
  • Panel 2: AI regulationsWhat is the current status of the various regulations around – AI and what will be the consequences?
  • Panel 3: AI and energy – How can AI guarantee energy stability in the European Union?



10:00 - 17:00
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