SRIP Tovarne Prihodnosti

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Innovation day Ljubljana 2024

13.11. : 08:30 - 19:00

Pridružite se nam na mednarodnem dnevu navdiha, ustvarjalnosti in sodelovanja na našem tradicionalnem dogodku Innovation day Ljubljana 2024.

SRIP Tovarne prihodnosti skupaj z Institutom “Jožef Stefan” organiziramo letošnji dogodek in zelo smo ponosni, da ga organiziramo v sodelovanju z EIT Manufacturing in EIT Health ter v partnerstvu s SRIP Pemetna mesta in skupnosti in SRIP Zdravje – Medicina. Poudarek te konference je na naprednih proizvodnih tehnologijah v pametnih mestih za izboljšanje zdravja skupnosti.

Pripravite se na povezovanje z vodilnimi v panogi, poslušajte pronicljive predstavitve naših glavnih govornikov, slišite njihove poglede na okroglih mizah in odkrijte najnovejše inovacijske trende. Ne glede na to, ali ste izkušen strokovnjak ali nadobudni podjetnik, je ta dogodek kot nalašč za vsakogar, ki želi razviti nove ideje in spodbuditi spremembe.

Ne zamudite priložnosti, da postanete del nečesa izjemnega!


Ker je dogodek mednarodne narave, bo ta potekal v angleškem jeziku.



08:30 – 09:00 Registration & Admission

09:00 – 09:45 Opening & Welcome Addresses 

  • Igor Kovač, SRIP ToP, Jožef Stefan Institute
  • Marko Lotrič, President of the National Council of the Republic of Slovenia
  • Mark Boris Andrijanič, Member of the EIT Governing Board

09:45 – 11:20 Panel 1: Manufacturing – Moderation: Johannes Hunschofsky, EIT Manufacturing

  • Manufacturing Panel Opening
    Igor Kovač,
    SRIP ToP, JSI and Johannes Hunschofsky, EIT Manufacturing
  • EIT Manufacturing Presentation
    Johannes Hunschofsky
    , EIT Manufacturing
  • The Importance of Materials in the Service of the Community and Humanity – The Example of Cancer Therapy
    Nina Kostevšek
    , Jožef Stefan Institute
  • General Application of Green Plasma Technologies in Environment and Medicine
    Fernando Alba Elías
    , UdLR
  • Applications of Robotics/Exoskeletons in Working and Other Environments
    Gordon Cheng
    , Technical University of Munich
  • Roundtable 1: Advanced Manufacturing Technologies in Smart Cities for a Healthy Living and Working Environment
    Nina Kostevšek, Fernando Alba Elias, Maja Brelih Lotrič, Gordon Cheng

11:20 – 12:00 Coffee Break

12:00 – 13:10 Panel 2: Smart Cities and Communities – Moderation: Theresa Neuhauser, EIT Manufacturing

  • Smart Cities and Communities Panel Opening
    Matjaž Logar,
     SRIP SC&C, JSI and Theresa Neuhauser, EIT Manufacturing
  • Ensuring a Healthy Ecosystem – Coexistence of Production, Community, and Environment
    Katharina Höftberger
    , Urban Innovation Vienna
  • The Importance of Monitoring Environmental Parameters for Humans (Quality of Water, Air, Soil)
    Milena Horvat
    , Jožef Stefan Institute
  • Optimization-Based Design, Scheduling, and Control of Buildings and Infrastructure Systems
    Mario Vašak
    , SZFE
  • Roundtable 2: Smart Cities and Communities for a Healthy Living and Working Environment
    : Katharina Höftberger, Matjaž Logar, Matjaž Rakovec, Milena Horvat, Mario Vašak


13:10 – 14:30 Lunch

14:30 – 15:55 Panel 3: Health – Moderation: Astrid Kaltenböck, EIT Health & Ferenc Pongracz, Innostars

  • Health and Medicine Panel Opening
    Alenka Rožaj Brvar
    , SIH EEIG and Astrid Kaltenböck, EIT Health
  • EIT Health Presentation
    Astrid Kaltenböck
    , EIT Health
  • Good Practice in the Development and Transfer of New Technologies to the Healthcare System
    Nick Guldemond
    , Leiden University Medical Center
  • An Example of Good Practice in the Implementation of Digitalisation in Medicine and Home Care
    Vojko Flis
    , UKC Maribor
  • Artificial Intelligence and Big Data in Medicine
    Mark Pleško
    , Cosylab
  • Roundtable 3: Health and Medicine in the Context of Advanced Manufacturing and Smart Cities and Communities
    : Nick Guldemond, Vojko Flis, Mark Pleško, Ferenc Pongracz

16:00 – 16:30 Coffee Break


16:30 – 17:15 Integrated Roundtable: Advanced Manufacturing Technologies in Smart Cities for Enhanced Community Health – Moderation: Tjaša Zajc

Participants: Saša Bavec, Gordon Cheng, Katharina Höftberger, Nick Guldemond,


17:15 – 17:30 Closing Words – Johannes Hunschofsky, Astrid Kaltenböck, Matjaž Logar, Alenka Rožaj Brvar, Igor Kovač


17:30 Dinner Opening Address – Dejan Crnek, Deputy Mayor of the City of Ljubljana


17:30 – 19:00 Networking Dinner in Hotel







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08:30 - 19:00
Spletna stran:


SRIP Tovarne prihodnosti
+386 (0)1 477 30 71
Obišči spletno stran Organizatorja


Four Points by Sheraton Ljubljana Mons
Pot za Brdom 4,
Ljubljana, 1000 Slovenia
+ Google Map
+386 1 470 27 00
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