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Pridružite se nam na IP sejmu: Svetovni dan intelektualne lastnine 2022

26/04/2022 : 15:00 - 16:30


Pridružite se nam na IP sejmu Svetovni dan intelektualne lastnine 2022, ki bo potekal 26. 4. 2022 med 15:00 do 16:30.

Letošnja tema nosi naslov ““IP for a Better Future: Young Innovators”. Inovacije, ki temeljijo na digitalnih podatkih, in izkoriščanje digitalnega IP-ja je tema, ki jo predstavljajo partnerske organizacije iz Italije, Slovenije in Švice. Dogodek je edinstvena priložnost za razpravo o tem, kako najbolje uporabiti digitalne podatke, kot so podatki, metodologije, konfiguracija medsebojno povezanih sistemov, algoritmi obdelave v podjetjih ter še mnogo več.

Podroben opis v nadaljevanju:



If you care, we share – join us at the IP fair World Intellectual Property Day 2022.

The theme of this year’s celebration is “IP for a Better Future: Young Innovators.” The event will be held on 26 April 2022, at 3:00-4:30 pm (CEST).

Digital data driven innovation and digital IP exploitation is the topic presented by partner organizations from Italy, Slovenia and Switzerland. Join us for a unique 1,5 h gathering with the renown digital business advisors, IP lawyers, intellectual property officers, practitioners in open innovation, digital data business models and digital business frontrunners and innovators. Event is a unique opportunity for discussing the issues of how best use digital data such as data, methodologies, configuration of interconnected systems, processing algorithms in companies and how to best handle data sharing, data IP validation and innovation, how to design software data IP and data agreements as well as how to make added value from digital IP portfolio, protect data ownership and intellectual property rights exploitation.

This is a unique chance to chat with the digital data innovation and data protection leaders in Europe, engage in discussion on digital IP protection issues in relation to advanced industries and unique chance to get acquainted with novelties with the European legislative framework in domains of data protection, data sharing and data exploitation.

A new practical guideline (i.e. Design Option Paper) for digital data protection and management will be launched at the event. Guidelines for business developers and companies were developed in the scope of the GO-DIP project funded by the European Union Horizon Innosup programme.

Guidelines will help SMEs to better incorporate the software and data IP management systems into their business strategies and boost digital innovation and better understand the challenges that digital economy brings in front of them.

Partners organising and participating in this event are Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia, HIT Innovazione Trentino, Italy, Innosquare Freiburg Switzerland and many other organisations supporting preparation of the guidelines such as Technology park Ljubljana, Technology park Pomurje, Ministry of Public Administration of the Republic of Slovenia, The Slovenian Property Office, The province of Trento Italy, Confidnustria Trento Italy, Trentino Development Agency, Chamber of Commerce and Industry Freiburg Switzerland, Techtransfer Freiburg Switzerland and many other European networks.

Register here >> 


Link do strani projekta Go-Dip:


Objava na WIPO spletni strani >>


15:00 - 16:30
Spletna stran: 

