Evropska Komisija je konec junija objavila razpis za projekte Evropskega Obrambnega Sklada (EDF). Delovni program EDF bo dodelil dodatnih 1,2 milijarde EUR za podporo skupnim raziskovalnim in razvojnim projektom ter inovacijam v evropskem obrambnem sektorju. Prednostne naloge financiranja so skupno dogovorjene z državami članicami in upoštevajo potrebe po obrambnih tehnologijah in zmogljivostih ter nastajajoče grožnje, ki jih povečuje spremenjeno varnostno okolje.
Razpis obravnava 34 tematik, strukturiranih v štirih tematskih razpisih za zbiranje projektnih predlogov, ter tri “bottom-up” razpise, osredotočene na prelomne tehnologije in MSP. Usmerjen je na obrambne tehnologije in zmogljivosti v skladu s prednostnimi nalogami glede zmogljivosti EU, o katerih so se skupaj dogovorile države članice in so podrobneje opredeljene v strateškem kompasu.
- EDF-2023-DA-SPACE-SSA Initial operational capacity for Space situational awareness C2 and sensors
- EDF-2023-DA-UWW-ASW Unmanned anti-submarine and seabed warfare
- EDF-2023-DA-UWW-MCMC Future maritime mine countermeasures capability
- EDF-2023-RA-DIGIT-HAAI Dedicated hardware architectures for energy-efficient AI
- EDF-2023-RA-DIS-LDEW Laser-based directed energy weapons
- EDF-2023-RA-PROTMOB-DEXPLO Demonstrators and technologies to defeat threats posed by Unexploded Explosives Ordnances (UXO) and Improvised Explosive Devices (IED)
- EDF-2023-RA-PROTMOB-SATOC Strategic air transportation of outsized cargo
- EDF-2023-RA-SENS-EMSP Electromagnetic signal propagation
- EDF-2023-RA-SENS-OPTD Optronics detector technologies
- EDF-2023-RA-SPACE-PSA Threat surveillance and protection of space-based assets
- EDF-2023-DA-MATCOMP-MJR-CBDIN Technologies and processes for maintenance, joining and repair through an innovation test hub
- EDF-2023-RA-SI-CYBER-ASPT Automation of security penetration tests
- EDF-2023-RA-SI-ENERENV-IPS Innovative propulsion systems for defence applications
- EDF-2023-RA-SI-MATCOMP-HPM High performance materials for Defence applications
- EDF-2023-LS-DA-SME-NT Non-thematic development actions by SMEs
- EDF-2023-LS-RA-DIS-NT Non-thematic research actions targeting disruptive technologies for defence
- EDF-2023-LS-RA-SMERO-NT Non-thematic research actions by SMEs and research organisations
- EDF-2023-LS-RA-CHALLENGE-DIGIT-HLTO Agile and robust human language technologies for defence – Organisation of a technological challenge
- EDF-2023-LS-RA-CHALLENGE-DIGIT-HLTP Agile and robust human language technologies for defence – Participation to a technological challenge
Dodatne informacije o posameznih tematikah najdete TUKAJ>>.