SRIP Tovarne Prihodnosti

Dogodek: Made in Europe (EFFRA)

V torek 10.12.2019 je potekal dogodek Made in Europe, organiziran s strani EFFRA, kjer je bilo s pomočjo prezentacij (na voljo spodaj) predstavljeno trenutno stanje političnega procesa Made in Europe Partnership. Med drugim, sta stanje v industriji predstavili podjetji Airbus in Festo.

Tekom dneva, je prišlo do veliko izmenjav mnenj in konstruktivne diskusije. V namen stimuliranja je bila tudi izvedena anketa glede ključnih vprašanj, katere rezultate lahko najdete tukaj.

V popoldanskem času, sta se na dogodku pridružila še predstavnika Evropske Komisije iz DG Research and Innovation in DG Connect. Med svojimi predavanji sta podala nekaj ključnih sporočil (v angleščini):

  • For the Made in Europe Roadmap, our community needs to take into account the priorities of the new European Commission.
  • By the end of February, the Made in Europe Partnership Roadmap and priorities should be finalised.
  • It is not so much the question whether there will be a Made in Europe Partnership, but rather how the budget will look like.
  • EFFRA members should talk to their national research ministries to ensure that Horizon Europe and Made in Europe receive funding. Member states have the final say when it comes to EU funding.